
About Us
The Crystal Coast Republican Women (CCRW) was chartered on April 18th, 1984. Since that time, members have been Inspired to run for public office and have been elected to the North Carolina Legislature, Carteret County and City/Municipal Offices, the 3rd Congressional District, State Executive and Central Committees of the NCGOP, and have served or are serving as County Party Officers, Precinct Chairmen, Poll Judges, and Clerks. We are extremely proud of our members who are serving and have served as officers in the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women (NCFRW). Learn more about the history of the NFRW, NCFRW, and CCRW by clicking the "History" button below.
CCRW members have made a significant Impact in our local communities, Carteret County, and North Carolina. We invite you to practice your conservative principles in the Republican Party as a member of our club. Our primary goals are to continue increasing our membership and involvement by working together in order to support the Republican candidates running for elected offices.
Many opportunities are available for your participation. All of our activities help CCRW run smoothly. Our annual fundraising events include a Reagan Rally, Fashion Show, and Christmas Raffle. Community involvement project, or Caring for America projects, include support for education in our schools, libraries, Veterans, the elderly, and many other areas. Do you have a special area of service that interests you? Come find your niche in this exciting, positive group of Republican Women. You will be Empowered to succeed!
The CCRW meets on the 3rd Friday of each month, alternating days and nights. Please check our calendar for the most current information. All meetings are held at the Carteret County Republican Party HQ, located at 5370-K US HWY 70 in Morehead City. You will enjoy listening to speakers who are knowledgeable on a variety of subjects featuring local, state, and national interests. Sometimes the subject matter is simply a fun or fashionable treat!
CCRW business is conducted before the speaker. The entire meeting lasts approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours, and following our day meetings members participate in a delicious pot-luck lunch, for those who wish to stay. We work hard as well as play, and enjoy each other's company.
We need your enthusiasm! You can contact us by clicking the button below.


Home is where the heart is.
We give back to the community, and encourage our members to stay involved.
Caring for America means caring for her people, and CCRW will continue to do just that. Our projects include supporting our military and community, and we strive to make Carteret County the best place to call home. Click the link below and someone will be in contact with you!
Interested in joining? We'd love to have you! Just download the application and mail to our 2nd Vice President.

Join us the third Friday of every month for our regularly scheduled meetings. The times vary, so please check our calendar for the time and location.
'Let us be energetic enough to "Inspire" the Republican masses to make an "Impact" on our local, state, and federal governments to "Empower" our Republican leaders to return to our conservative grassroots. Please join the Crystal Coast Republican Women to work towards this goal.'
-CCRW Past President Mary Marks